Brief history of the Church of England


2015年4月18日現在、英国国教会ホームページの下記 URL に「英国国教会小史」と類似の記載があります。


AD200年おそらくそれ以前から、英国にはキリスト教徒がいました。 597年に聖オーガスティンによって、ローマの宣教方針とケルト的なキリスト教とを融合し支配的な宗教となって行きました。 戦争、平和、飢きんおよび繁栄を通し、教会は、社会、法律及び建物等の発展と人々の信心深さとの狭間にありました。 英国市民の権力および教会はともに、不安定な状態がつのる中で発展して行きました。 問題点は、「教会の富」および「その富のローマとの繋がり」の2点ありました。

There have been Christians in Britain since AD200 and probably earlier.
It became the dominant religion through the melding of Celtic Christianity with the direct missionary thrust from Rome by St Augustine in 597. Through war, peace, famine and prosperity, the Church was critical in the development of society, law, buildings and the quiet piety of the people.
English civil power and the Church developed in an increasingly uneasy parallel. Two points of contention were the Church's wealth and its ties with Rome.
スペイン・アラゴン出身のキャサリン女王が、男の跡継ぎに恵まれなかったため、 キング・ヘンリー8世は、離婚を決意した1530年代に、ローマとの対立は頂点に達しました。 教皇は離婚を認めませんでした。 この決定を撤回するため、王は長期に渡る活動をしましたが、ついにしびれを切らし、 「英国国教会の長」を宣言し、教会はローマから独立しました。 しかしながら、主教として St ピーターがそのまま継続して任命された点は重要です。 These differences came to a head in the 1530s, when King Henry VIII wished to obtain a divorce from Queen Catherine of Aragon for not producing a male heir. The Pope would not grant it. After a long campaign to reverse this decision, the King ran out of patience and proclaimed himself Supreme Head of the Church of England and the Church began its separate existence from Rome, although, and this is important, its bishops have been consecrated in unbroken succession from St Peter. 、
  Innovative from the first, the new Church simplified the liturgy,
ensured it was in English rather than Latin and set it out
in a new Book of Common Prayerwhich was designed to give the people of England
a commonly held pattern of worship, a sense of oneness of Church and people,
with the Church sanctifying every side of national life, giving society a Godward purpose and direction.
  In the years which followed, the Church became 'broad', that is to say it held (and holds) within it
people who have different emphases and approaches but who are united in their creed
and their love of Christ Jesus, the Son of God and what He means for them and for the world around them
  When the British Empire expanded in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries,
so too did the Church. Now firmly rooted in more than 160 countries,
the Anglican Communion celebrates with the Church of England, the mother church,
its diversity and commonality. This is the concept of mutual responsibility
and interdependence, which makes the Anglican Communion so strong and valuable to so many millions of people.
  The Church of England has, in its several ways, been the Church to uphold the dignity of the individual.
It gave the lead, for example, not only in the abolition of slavery but it played a critical role
in stopping the slave trade itself. Today, of course, it is a Church at the forefront of
the practical fight to right injustices, restore the dignity of people everywhere
and put the world on a sustainable economic footing without ruining the planet upon which God put us
We are now in what many call the post-modern era and the Church of England is
experiencing a resurgence of interest in matters of faith as well as in the Church itself.
Calls to the ministry are up, giving for the Church's work is up and the Church is confident that,
with and by God's grace, it can make an increasingly valuable contribution to the life of the nation,
its people, and do so far beyond its borders as well.